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NPR is making these debates available as podcasts. Download the unedited debate. Here are a list of some of those available:
'A Booming China Spells Trouble for America'
May 23, 2007 · In the past 30 years, China has transitioned from a state-controlled economy to an economic superpower. A panel of experts debates whether the Middle Kingdom's new status on the global stage poses a threat to the United States. Web Extra Hear, Download the Debate
'Better More Surveillance than Another 9/11'April 25, 2007 · A panel of experts debates the notion that more domestic surveillance in the United States is better than the risk of another terrorist attack like the one on Sept. 11, 2001. Opponents of government snooping say that diminishing civil liberties plays right into the hands of terrorists. Web Extra Download the Full Debate
'Global Warming Is Not a Crisis'
March 22, 2007 · Climate change is big news these days, from melting mountain glaciers to warming seas. Panelists in a recent debate tried to answer the question of whether the buildup of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is leading to a crisis. Web Extra Hear, Download the Debate
Is America Too Damn Religious?
February 16, 2007 · As if it weren't provocative enough to hold a debate on religion in America, panelists in a recent debate were tasked with answering the following question: "Is America Too Damn Religious?" Web Extra Hear, Download the Debate
Hollywood and the Spread of Anti-Americanism
December 20, 2006 · The U.S. entertainment industry provides billions of people around the world with their primary impressions of American culture. At the same time, anti-American sentiment is rising. Experts debate what relationship, if any, exists between these two phenomena.
Hamas: Government or Terrorist Organization?
December 6, 2006 · Hamas was democratically elected by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Is it still a terrorist organization? Expert panelists consider that question as part of the latest debate in the Intelligence Squared U.S. series. Web Extra Download the Debate
Weighing the Limits of Freedom of Expression
October 26, 2006 · Earlier this year, protests erupted worldwide after a Danish newspaper published caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. In the wake of the furor, experts debate the question of whether the freedom of expression must include the license to offend. Web Extra Hear or Download the Debate
Debating a Nuclear Iran
October 3, 2006 · Should the world tolerate a nuclear Iran or should the United States and its allies take military action to stop Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime from acquiring nuclear weapons. That's the focus of a debate among expert analysts. Web Extra Download the Debate
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